Looking to meet and live with climbers in Torino

Appuntamenti - Meetings

Forum per organizzare scalate insieme. In questa sezione puoi trovare compagni di arrampicata per organizzare le tue escursioni su palestre di roccia e Falesie


Looking to meet and live with climbers in Torino

Ciao ragazzi, myself and my girlfriend Emily have just arrived in Torino, and are hoping to meet climbers for trips up to Orco etc. We are from Scotland, so love trad climbing and we brought a full rack 😉
We are also looking for a room in an apartment (living in the van for now), and it would be great to share with similar people. Our Italian is very poor (as you can probably tell) so are also looking to share with Italians so we learn quicker.
Any leads on a flat would be greatly appreaciated!
To meet up or about an appartment, email me on ðŸ“§ anonymi.topher@gmail.com
Grazie Mille!

07/10/13 @ 19:23:43
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