Looking for a climber group or partner April 28th to May 2nd

Appuntamenti - Meetings

Forum per organizzare scalate insieme. In questa sezione puoi trovare compagni di arrampicata per organizzare le tue escursioni su palestre di roccia e Falesie


Looking for a climber group or partner April 28th to May 2nd

Hey guys,
I'm coming to Sardimia from April 28th to May 2nd all by myself and if I could find someone that knows the east - north/east crags, it would be awesome!! 🙂)
I have a car and haven't decided yet where to crash so all is open 🙂
I'm French, live in Norway, speak French English and Norwegian, 40years old and I guess fun to be around with!
Climbing level would be around 6's

So, send a reply if you wanna catch up 🙂

19/03/18 @ 09:59:24
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